libro Male bodies: a photographic history of the nude

Male bodies: a photographic history of the nude

Emmanuel cooper

Male bodies: a photographic history of the nude es un libro escrito por Emmanuel cooper tiene un total de 144 páginas , identificado con ISBN 9783791330549 Male bodies: a photographic history of the nude se publicó en el año 2004

Ficha Técnica

  • Título: Male bodies: a photographic history of the nude
  • Autor: Emmanuel cooper
  • Publicación: 2004
  • Editorial: Prestel-verlag
  • Género: Histórica
  • Isbn: 9783791330549
  • Páginas: 144
  • Encuadernación: Tapa dura


From paradigms of physical perfection to gay icons, this illustrated survey of male nude photography presents various portrayals of masculinity as seen through the eyes of the worlds most renowned photographers. <

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