libro The virgin encyclopedia of nineties music

The virgin encyclopedia of nineties music


The virgin encyclopedia of nineties music es un libro escrito por COLIN LARKIN tiene un total de 462 páginas , identificado con ISBN 9780753504277 The virgin encyclopedia of nineties music se publicó en el año 2000

Ficha Técnica

  • Título: The virgin encyclopedia of nineties music
  • Publicación: 2000
  • Editorial: Virgin books
  • Género: Histórica
  • Isbn: 9780753504277
  • Páginas: 462
  • Encuadernación: Tapa blanda


Part of a series on pop music by this author, this volume offers coverage of pop and rock in the nineties. Along with new acts like the Spice Girls, Oasis, Beck, Bjork and Nirvana, there has been an explosion of dance music and the emergence of powerful new genres like drumnbass and thrash metal.

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